Supervisors hear about primary election plans

At the regular meeting of the Wright County Board of Supervisors on Monday, County Auditor Betty Ellis briefly discussed the upcoming primary election scheduled for June 2. The polling place for the entire county will be at the Red Shed Event Center in Clarion so as to have better control over the event considering COVID-19 concerns. Voters will still be separated into their usual precinct though all voting will take place in one building. Ellis noted that the Secretary of State’s office is also providing money to counties for protective measures and supplies such as hand sanitizer. Ellis still reminds everyone that voting by mail-in absentee ballot is the best way to protect yourself and precinct officials. The application for that has appeared in the newspaper for the last few weeks.

The board reviewed and approved the county’s Slough Bill applications. The supervisors exempted around 2,900 acres from property taxes under Iowa’s Slough Bill law that allows counties to waive tax liability for land maintained as recreational lakes, open prairie, forest cover, river and stream banks. They approved joint drainage district assessments with Webster County for two districts. The cost to Wright County will be $3,215 and $422 for those assessments.

The conference call with ISG and Reilly Construction on the Agri-Business Park was held. Brian from Reilly Construction said after consulting the pavers, they would like to use a 3-foot construction pad line instead of the 2-foot pad that was in the plans. Bob Powers appeared before the board to present on dental and vision insurance options for county employees. In the end, they decided to maintain their vision provider and switch to MetLife for their dental provider.





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