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I have been telling people “What does a sports editor do when he has no sports to cover?” It’s something I’m not used to in my 16 years at this job. However, I have been trying to find ways to compensate in filling the weekly page as much as possible. I hope you have enjoyed the history idea and the flashback photos. It’s fun looking up all of that, but it is also not easy in some cases.

It has been my hope to go back as many years as possible with at least one of those each week, which has proven to present challenges. For one thing, the pages are so yellowed and brittle the farther back I go that they fall apart rather easily. There was also not nearly the amount of sports coverage many years ago, and there was no page dedicated to just sports. What I do find was usually placed on the front page. There was also a lack of any sports photos back then. While I will continue to try to dig up items from the 40’s and 50’s, I may have to confine my searching to the 60’s and forward from there!

When it comes to current sports, all we can do right now is wait and see on the summer and whether there’s any softball or baseball to enjoy. While those seasons are not officially canceled yet, I will also state that I’m having trouble remaining optimistic. I think we can all agree that we need something like that to enjoy in taking our minds off the current pandemic and its aftermath. Of course that needs to be weighed against everyone’s health and safety, and especially the student-athletes. The ultimate decision is up to the IGHSAU and the IHSAA, and likely following guidance from the state government offices. Let’s all hope and pray that these kids still have a chance to showcase their talents for us fans this summer. Besides, as a sports editor I need the work!


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