Wright County Health Department and Iowa Specialty Hospitals continue to do proactive surveillance testing in Wright County. We also started our second round of testing the employees of our 3 nursing homes in the County.
Total number tested in surveillance 5/21/2020 -5/31/2020 528
Total number of negative results 483
Total Positive tests 45
Positive results by age
0-18 1
18-39 44
Wright County is also seeing an increase in positive test results from people outside of their surveillance program. Through our contact tracing of all positive individuals this weekend it was identified that 3 of these people had come into contact with a large number of the public in their respective communities. When discovered, Wright County Board of Health and Iowa Specialty Hospitals immediately set up 2 pop-up testing locations in Eagle Grove and Clarion to test those people potentially exposed. An additional 136 tests were given at both pop-up testing locations.
“It is even more important now than ever that the citizens of Wright County continue to be diligent in practicing social distancing and wearing face coverings and avoidance of mass gatherings as we are seeing an increase in positive cases at this time.” said Sandy McGrath Public Health Nurse Epidemiology. “We also continue aggressive contact tracing on all positive cases of Covid-19 in Wright County,” said McGrath.
For the current positives in Wright County please visit:
Karl Helgevold Wright County Board of Supervisors
Public Information Officer (PIO)