CGD January 9, 2025 Minutes

The Clarion-Goldfield-Dows CSD Board of Directors held their Regular Meeting on Thursday, January 9, 2025. In attendance were Troy Seaba, Megan Ring, Kelly Kirsten, Craig Warnke, Beth Severson, Joe Corrow, Alison Marshall, LeRoy Jensen, Elem Principal Jared Carder, Superintendent Jos Nelson, and Board secretary Anita Frye.
President Seaba Called the Meeting to Order at 4:02 P.M. and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Open Forum: No one addressed the board.
Motion by Ring to Approve the Agenda. Second by Warnke. Motion approved 5-0.
CGDEA Initial Proposal: Postponed until February.
Education Report: Jared Carder gave an overview of things happening in the Elementary. There was a large group of teachers that finished LTRS2 training, and this fits extremely well with the reading curriculum. There is a group of teachers that are looking into Cursive Writing curriculum to be used in the future. Transition of fifth grade to Middle School has gone extremely well. Carder thanked the efforts of the Elementary and Middle School staff for all their hard work in this process. The Elementary will begin Winter Screener Testing next week, and they have started Special Olympic Basketball practice.
Superintendent’s Report: Supt. Nelson updated the board with the HS Principal and Athletic/Activities Director search process. Applicants for both positions are starting to come in. All applications are due by Wednesday, January 29 th , with formal interviews held on Wednesday, February 5 th , 2025, for Principal position, and AD position to be held after the hiring of the principal. FY26 Calendar survey for FY26 will be sent out to all district staff for input. The Auditorium Committee continues to meet and tour area auditoriums. The plan is to give the board a presentation of their findings later in the summer. Mr. Katz and Mr. Dahlke have been working hard throughout the school year to install security cameras around the buildings. This will provide better visual security for the perimeter of our buildings. Shoutout to Dan McCool Family, as this weekend the first annual Dan McCool Youth Wrestling Tournament will be held in Clarion to honor Dan. Congratulations to Ryan Nail and the Cowboy Baseball Team as they will play Bishop Garrigan at Target Field after the Rangers/Twins game on June 12, 2025, roughly staring at 4:00 P.M.
Consent Agenda : Discussion was held on the Consent Agenda. Warnke requested a form be used for Policy 711.03-Student Transportation for Extracurricular Activities that is standard for the district and that all coaches would be instructed to use this form when allowing students to leave events or activities with their parents. Motion by Severson. Second by Ring. Approve December 12, 2024 Meeting Minutes; Approve Payment of Bills Paid in Between Meetings; Approve Payment of January 2025 Monthly Bills; Approve Early Retirement Applications/Resignations from Jay Klaver – MS Teacher effective in of FY 25 school year, Paul Hansch – HS Principal, and Jeff Nelson – Custodian effective June 30, 2025; Approve Lane Movement Requests from Rebecca Anderson BA+20 to MA upon transcript verification by Board Secretary; Approve FY26 Contract for Amanda Middleton – MS Volleyball Coach Step 3; Approve FY25 Route Driver Contract for Carey Rothman – Step 1 prorated for remainder of school year, Julie Schmidt FY25 MS Secretary Contract – Step 2, $18.58 an hour; Approve 1 st Reading of Policies 700-Purpose of Noninstructional and Business Services; 701.01-Depository of Funds; 701.02-Transfer of Funds; 701.03-Financial Records; 701.04-Governmental Accounting Practices & Regulations; 701.05-Fiscal Management; 701.05-R(1)-Fiscal Management-Financial Metrics; 702-Cash in School Buildings; 704.02-Debt Management; 704.02-R(1)-Debt Management-Post Issuance Compliance Regulation for Tax-Exempt Obligations; 704.0-Gifts, Grants, Bequests; 704.06-R(1)-Fundraising Within the District-Regulation; 706.01-Payroll Periods; 706.02-Payroll Deductions; 707.01-Presentation and Publication of Financial Information; 707.04-Audit; 707.05-Internal Controls; 709-Insurance Program; 710.02-Free or Reduced Cost Meals Eligibility; 710.03-Vending Machines; 710.04-Meal Charges; 711.01-Student School Transportation Eligibility; 711.03-Student Transportation for Extracurricular Activities; 711.04-Summer School Program Transportation Service; 711.05-Transportation of Nonresident and Nonpublic School Students; 711.06-Transportation of Non-school Groups; 711.0-School Bus Safety Instruction; 711.10-School Bus Passenger Restraints; Approve 2 nd Reading of Policies505.02-Student Promotion Retention Acceleration;603.02-Summer School Instruction; 603.08-Teaching About Religion; 603.08-R(1) Teaching About Religion Regulation Religious Holidays; 603.09-Academic Freedom; 603.09-(1) Academic Freedom-Teaching Controversial Issues; 603.10-Global Education; 604.01-Private Instruction; 604.03-Program for Talented and Gifted Students; 604.05-Regious Based Exclusion from A School Program; 604.06-Instruction at a Post Secondary Educational Institution; 604.11-Appropriate Use of Online Learning Platforms; 606.02-School Ceremonies and Observances; 606.03-Animals in the Classroom; 607.01-Student Guidance and Counseling Program; 903.02-Community Resource Persons and Volunteers; Approve FFA Request to travel to Kosovo during Spring Break 2026, and fundraise for the trip; Approve Winter Sports Overnight Request for State qualifying events. Motion carried 5-0.
New Business: Motion by Kirstein to Approve FY26 SBRC Modified Supplement Amount for At Risk/Dropout Prevention in the amount of $380,344.00 with local match of $126,781.00 for a total budget of $507,125.00. Second by Severson. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Ring to Approve Principal Search Contract with Grundmeyer Leader Search LLC in the amount of $7,560.00. Second by Warnke. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Ring to Approve AD Search Services with Grundmeyer Leader Search LLC in the amount of $2,000.00 with the district responsible for the interview process. Second by Severson. Motion carried 5-0.
Facility Report: Facility Committee needs to set a meeting date to discuss the preliminary FY26 Facility Budget.
Financial Reports: Reports may be viewed at the CGD District Office during normal business hours.
The next Regular CGD Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 4:00 P.M.
Motion by Ring to Adjourn. Seconded by Kirstein. Motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 4:32 P.M.
Anita Frye, Board Secretary
Published in the Wright County Monitor on January 23, 2025


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