January 20, 2025
The Board of Supervisors met as Drainage District Trustees. To view the minutes from the drainage meeting, see the Drainage District minutes on the County website.
Chairman Rasmussen called the regular meeting of the Wright County Board of Supervisors to order at 9:16 a.m. Members present were Rasmussen, Kluss, Bosch, Loux and Ellis.
Motion by Ellis and seconded by Kluss to approve the tentative agenda. Motion carries.
Minutes of the previous regular meeting of January 13, 2025 were read and approved.
Approved claims for payment.
Duane Asbe with the Wright County Charitable Foundation gave an annual update and presented the board with a list of 39 different funds that the foundation gives grants from. Asbe then requested that the board considers the Wright County Charitable Foundation when discussing budgets and continues to support the foundation financially.
Motion by Kluss and seconded by Loux to receive the Recorder’s quarterly revenue report. Motion carries.
Motion by Kluss and seconded by Bosch to appoint Kent Kirstein as Grant Township Trustee to fulfill the remaining two years of Gary Martin’s four year term. Motion carries.
Motion by Kluss and seconded by Loux to authorize Amanda Meyer, Auditor and Joan Shillinglaw, Accounts Payable Clerk, to manage and make changes to the County Visa Credit Cards. Motion carries.
Adam Clemons, Wright County Engineer, reviewed a bridge replacement project on Taylor Ave over Luicks Creek in section 31, of Pleasant Township, explaining that they will be replacing a 24’ by 57’ Triple Span Timber Bridge with a 24’ by 80’ Triple Span Continuous Concrete Slab Bridge. The Letting for this project will take place on April 15, 2025. Motion by Kluss and seconded by Bosch to approve the final plans for project BROS-C099(106)–8J-99. Motion carries.
Clemons then explained a memorandum for installation of a private drain tile in County Road Right of Way located in the NE ¼ of Section 10, Boone Township. The landowner, Jay Pogge, would like to install the private drain tile within the road right of way at a depth of about ten feet. Motion by Kluss and seconded by Bosch to approve the memorandum to install a private drain tile on 110th St. between Emmett Ave. and Davis Ave. and sign the contract with the landowners. Motion carries.
Clemons then gave an update on Secondary Roads department.
Motion by Kluss and seconded by Bosch to adjourn the meeting. Motion carries.
Rick Rasmussen, Chairman
Wright County Board of Supervisors
Deb Lukes, Wright County Deputy Auditor
Wright County Board of Supervisors
Published in the Wright County Monitor on February 6, 2025