City of Dows February 3, 2025 Minutes and Claims

Dows City Council
February 3, 2025
The Dows City Council met in regular session on February 3,2025 at 6:00 p.m. at Dows City Hall with the following present: Council Members Russell, Lienemann, Worden, Plendl and Mayor Klatt.
Absent: Council Member Richard Echelberger.
Also present: Sam Solis, city maintenance and Ashley Bosch, Wright County Supervisor .
Motion by Lienemann, seconded by Plendl to approve the minutes from January 6, 2026 council meeting. Motion carried. All ayes.
Motion by Russell, seconded by Worden to approve payment of the follow i ng bills:
1. Wright County Sheriff $6,587.50 (police -3 r d % sheriff contract payment)
2. Wright County Communications $3,848.20 (police-3 rd % dues payment)
1. KMDE LLC $811.46 (pool-electric expense- July through December)
2. Treas. State of Iow a $610.69 (pool-2024 sales tax)
3. W&H Coop $504.02 (community center-LP)
4. Barnhart Electric $820.72 (parks-repairs)
5. Culligan $40.00 (community center-supplies)
6. Barnhart Electric $518.39 (community center-repairs)
7. Chase Credit Card $942.05 (library – books and computer)
8. Alliant Energy $462.95 (library, pool, parks, community center-e l ectric expense)
9. Deb Olson $17.31 (library-supplies)
10. Dows Grocery $26.54 (library-supplies)
11. Penworthy $182~06 (library-books)
12. Regina Russell $213.20 (library-gross salary)
13. Debra Olson $1,393.75 (library-gross salary)
14. Judy Kessel $1 03.00 (library-gross salary)
1. Wellmark BCBS $1,363.41 (city hall-health insurance)
2. Column Software $114.23 (city hall-publishing)
3. Jeanette Wenzel $2,011.97 (city hall-gross salary)
4. Copy Systems $55.89 (city hall-copy machine agreement)
5. Jeanette Wenzel $2,011.97 (city hall-gross salary)
1. W&H Coop $1,685.04 (road use-shop LP)
2. Caseys Mastercard $551.65 (road use-fuel)
3. T and S Sanitation $918 . 00 (road use – garbage-six months)
4. Arnold Motors $182.50 (road use-supplies)
5. KC Nielsen $890.25 (road use-repairs)
6. Alliant Energy $1 ,808.96 (road use-street lights, shop electric)
1. Alliant Energy $2,055.68 (water and wastewater-electric expense)
2. Sam Solis $1,943.93 (water – gross salary)
3. Wellmark BCBS $1 ,413.84 (water-health insurance)
4. Treas. State of Iowa $149.61 (wastewater-2024 sales tax)
5. Treas. State of Iowa $198.11 (water-December sales tax)
6. AgSource Labs $524.00 (wastewater-testing)
7. Hennigar Construction $1,789.55 (wastewater-repairs)
8. Sam Solis $40.00 (water – phone expense)
9. Hawkins $617.07 (water-supplies)
10. IAMU $417.00 (water-quarterly safety dues)
11. Dows Post Office $219.00 (water-postage)
12. KMDE LLC $812.69 (water-electric expense-JUly through December
13. Iowa One Call $12.60 (water – supplies)
14. Sam Solis $1,943.93 (water-gross salary)
15. Quill $211.83 (water-supplies)
16. Dows Comm. Grocery $37.74 (water – supplies)
17. Electric Pump $1,173.00 (water-repairs)
18. Victor Morales $100.00 (water-deposit refund)
19. Urness Hardware $139.44 (wastewater-supplies)
Motion carried. All ayes .
Motion by Lienemann, seconded by Worden to approve the Clerk’s Report for December 2024. Motion carried. All ayes. Receipts for December 2024-$43,060.08. Expenses for December 2024-$54,793.37.
Mayor Klatt said the City has gotten permission from the owner of the property to take the building down at 109 N. Garfield Street. He said he will be requesting bids from Weidemann Inc., Rodney Claude, Walker Reclaim and Demo, and Hennigars. Mayor Klatt said that some can go in basement but the rest needs to be hauled to Wright County Landfill and the top 4 or 5 feet filled with dirt. Motion by Lienemann, seconded by Russell to have the bids for taking down the building at 109 N. Garfield St. due by March 3, 2025 council meeting. Motion carried. All ayes .
Motion by Lienemann, seconded by Worden to set March 24,2025 at 6:00 p.m. as the time and date for public hearing on Proposed Tax Levy. Motion carried. All ayes.
Motion by Worden, seconded by Russell to allow the Clerk to advertise for summer pool and mowing help. Motion carried. All ayes.
Water rates were discussed. The City of Dows has not raised their water rates in several years. Costs of electric, chemicals and repairs has gone up. Motion by Russell , seconded by Worden to have the Clerk make an ordinance raising water rates by 3% and sewer st ill 100% of water . Motion carried. All ayes.
Motion by Lienemann, seconded by Worden to have the Clerk make an ordinance raising the w ater de posit to $200.00 for renters. Motion carried. All ayes.
There being no further business, Mayor Klatt declared the meeting adjourned.
Published in the Wright County Monitor on February 13, 2025


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