The Wright County Monitor

Editor, Amanda Rink
‪(515) 364-2344/

Designer, Sarah Duda

Sports Writer, Taylor Smith
‪(818) 307-6001/


Corporate Contacts

Newspaper Subscriptions, Bekah Mahan 456-2585

Marketing Consultant, Nikki Vega

In Person or by Mail:

Mid-America Publishing
ATTENTION: The Wright County Monitor
9 2nd St NW, Hampton, IA 50441


The Wright County Office of Mid-America Publishing & Printing
ATTENTION: The Wright County Monitor
304 W. Broadway Street, Eagle Grove




The Wright County Monitor is believed to be the first newspaper in Clarion, outlasting four other newspapers that originated in the area. The Monitor has been the official newspaper of Wright County, Iowa since 1869, serving the people of Wright County for more than 150 years.

The newspaper was founded in 1869 by Will F. Smith. He served the paper for six months, being the first of 11 publishers to manage the paper in its first 100 years.

In 1914, the Wright County Monitor had a circulation of 1,250. Now, just over 150 years later, its readership is more than twice that. It provides coverage of local government, sports, and events.

In July of 2011, the Wright County Monitor came under the ownership of Mid-America Publishing, which publishes several Iowa papers as well as Wright County’s official visitor’s guide.

Its first location was in the Elliott Block on Clarion’s historic Main Street, but today, staff works remotely with in-person assistance offered at sister publication The Eagle Grove Eagle or in Hampton at our corporate office.
