At their meeting on Tuesday, August 17, the Clarion City Council took up a variety of measures related to the planned water treatment plant again.
Tag: City Council
Larry Harrah is new Clarion City Council member
At last Tuesday’s Clarion City Council meeting, Larry Harrah to the oath of office to install him as Clarion’s newest councilmember. This came about due
Council appoints Harrah, talks projects
The first agenda item at the Clarion City Council meeting on Tuesday, August 3 was to approve a resolution appointing a new council member. Jim
City thanks Williams for his council service
At the Tuesday, July 20 meeting of the Clarion City Council, a resolution was passed thanking councilperson Jim
City council talks water plant and possible downtown project
At the Tuesday, June 15 Clarion City Council meeting, various agenda items pertained to water projects again. A public hearing was held for an SRF
Council ok’s city budget amendments
At the Clarion City Council meeting on Tuesday May 25, a public hearing was held for various amendments
City passes sump pump ordinance
At the Tuesday, May 4 meeting of the Clarion City Council, the group held the second reading of
City signs agreement with police bargaining unit
At the Clarion City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 6, the council approved a resolution entering into an
Slight decrease in Clarion city tax levy
The Clarion City Council moved to take the final steps and approve the 2021-2022 budget at their March 23 meeting last week. The approved budget
Council talks zoning ordinance revisions
A Clarion City Council meeting was held on Tuesday, March 23. Though the regular meeting typically would have been the previous week, a special meeting